Pascal Silman

Pascal Silman

Posts de Pascal

The Art of Culinary Personalisation: Creating Unique Dining Experiences

Personalisation goes beyond simply satisfying the appetite; it’s about turning every meal into an unforgettable experience. As a dedicated chef, the true essence of my culinary art lies in my ability to adapt to the individual tastes and needs of my clients. This is not only about crafting delicious dishes, but also about building experiences […]

Magic of nostalgic flavours: Duck Magrets with hints of home

In the kitchen, every dish has the power to tell stories, evoke memories and awaken unique sensations. Today’s recipe, Duck Magrets with saffron honey, sweet potatoes and roasted chestnuts, is not simply a combination of ingredients, but an invitation to immerse yourself in the nostalgic flavours that take you back to those cherished moments at […]

Dish Presentation Secrets: Transform Your Creations with Style

Dish presentation is an art that goes beyond simply serving food on a plate; it is an opportunity to express creativity, awaken the senses and transform a meal into a memorable experience. How to achieve this? Here are a few tips I have gathered throughout my career as a chef:   Choice of Crockery: Selecting […]

Organic Salmon Escalope: A dream culinary experience

Autumn is like the springtime of winter, when the trees unfurl their dazzling palette of colours to give way to the blossoming of the mushrooms. For passionate cooks, it is a particularly sensual season, full of aromas and nuances that transport us like a mirror to the first days of spring, with its faint glow […]

Exploring the Luxury of Caviar: My Culinary Passion

In the culinary world, there are ingredients that transcend the ordinary to become true treasures. Caviar is undoubtedly one of these gastronomic treasures that I have always incorporated into my recipes and culinary plans. From its origins in ancient Persia to its prominent place on the tables of gourmets around the world, caviar has remained […]

The Magic of Food and Wine Pairing

Discover how to select the perfect wine to complement your food and how this pairing can elevate your dining experience. Discovering the magic of wine and food pairing is a fascinating world that can transform your meals into extraordinary culinary experiences. The careful choice of wine for pairing can profoundly influence the way food is […]